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Masternode Activation Sweepstake - Win 50DNR


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Introducing Denarius Masternode sweepstakes.

Can you guess the date/time of activation block 645,000?

Do you want to win 50DNR ?


Submit your entry here at denariustalk.org


Include a timezone in GMT format  - EDIT - Any time zone will do, but please include a timezone indication

Entries must be posted before block 620,000

Ensure your denariustalk.org profile or post has a DNR address saved in it (we will confirm your address at end of draw)

Entries only accepted in this forum thread

Only one entry per profile

Edited posts will not be accepted into the sweepstakes - Due to too many people not including a timezone indication or wallet address posts may have to be edited. I will keep OP updated in order of entries with notes on what is missing, and will include edit dates/times+source of edit information.


Update for entries in order as at 03/03/2018  20:55GMT+13
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 5:53:05 pm (confirmed timezone GMT+0 via forum post)

Saturday, 10 March 2018 at 7:07:07 pm (confirmed via Discord UTC+5 and edited at 03/03/2018 21:25 GMT+13)

2018-03-09 22:30 (pending time zone confirmation)

march 15, 2018 @ 15:20 US EST (8:20pm GMT)

march 14th 6:55PM (pending time zone confirmation)

March 15 7:56AM PST (3:56PM UTC)

Edit 21:00 13/03/2018 GMT+13 - consolidate entries and normalise to UTC/GMT timestamps

Entries Closed at Block 620,000

Block 620,000 2018-03-08 0:52:13


Forum Name UTC/GMT Normalised Time
Samuel 09/March/2018 22:30
weaponizedautismbux 10/March/2018 14:07:07
Johndoe126 14/March/2018 14:13
jtmining17 14/March/2018 18:55
buzzkillb 15/March/2018 15:56
8pack 15/March/2018 19:00
@abusamak_twitter 15/March/2018 20:20
ICanHazCrypto 16/March/2018 13:45
Wellayhknow 18/March/2018 4:35
d3athgu1s3 18/March/2018 6:42
noncepockets 18/March/2018 18:24
KawaiiCrypto 19/March/2018 0:38:44
sledgehammer 19/March/2018 3:00
ehri 19/March/2018 10:47
chris92 19/March/2018 15:01:39
Vagumera 20/March/2018 17:53:05



Edited by zerosight
Corrected list - forum post was in my local time. Only RagTag was late :(
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7 hours ago, Johndoe126 said:

What is the range of the date/time to be guessed? How precise does it need to be?

Whoever guesses the time closest to when block 645k activates aka. when its timestamp will be. I think keeping times in GMT may be best.

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2 hours ago, Vagumera said:

This might sound dumb but where can I enter my block time for this competition.  

I cant find a link anywhere to actually enter my datetime and wallet entry!!

It has to be entered here as a reply.

Edited by Johndoe126
Forgot to quote
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Maybe we should have a handicap, that the further out from the block 645k your entry is then the higher your handicap is.....just to reward those people that get their entries in earlier and therefore greater risk of deviation from actual datetime block 645k will occur.


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On 3/2/2018 at 11:27 AM, Vagumera said:

My entry is:

Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 5:53:05 pm

2018-03-20 17:53:05

yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS


My wallet address is:  DGUbLcLhAMg43cmp7u1sy2vewF5TFRU2cp



User: vagumera,

Discord: @jellysmash,

Twitter:  Vagrant


Please include timezone in GMT format

On 3/2/2018 at 1:37 PM, weaponizedautismbux said:

My entry is:

Saturday, 10 March 2018 at 7:07:07 pm

2018-03-20 17:53:05

yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS


My wallet address is:  DJtg8BXpkSqLGouLosKX4foWdZ3UE519he



Discord: @soiboi mcnormie (no) @weaponizedautismbux


Please include timezone in GMT format

On 3/2/2018 at 1:59 PM, samuel said:

My entry is:

2018-03-09 22:30

my Wallet Address is: DU2ti97sh45y4t9pgQ6DKGTYicE81NQjSA

Please include timezone in GMT format

On 3/2/2018 at 2:03 PM, @abusamak_twitter said:

My entry is:

march 15, 2018 @ 15:20 US EST

2018-03-15 15:20:18




Please include timezone in GMT format

8 hours ago, jtmining17 said:

march 14th 6:55PM


Please include wallet address

5 hours ago, james said:


Inscription 03/03/2013

wallet : DFTFsCZpFWcjKroy5gu64R2HjuBnzooeW9




Please include timezone in GMT format

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Hi, can one of the judges please explain what a GMT timezone is for the purposes of the competition??

I thought it was meant to be UTC time with zero time zone, ie not + or - hours for timezone, as it's meant to be the BASE 0 timezone.

The rules of the competition are that you cannot edit your entry otherwise you forfeit.  

So in terms of the competition, are the Judges going to consider the date times entered as GMT with timezone 0??




GMT – Greenwich Mean Time / Coordinated Universal Time (Standard Time)

Also known as: UTC – Coordinated Universal Time, GT – Greenwich Time

 Currently observing GMT.
 Areas with same time currently (UTC +0).

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) has no offset from Coordinated Universal Time(UTC). This time zone is in use during standard time in: Europe, Africa, North America, Antarctica.

This time zone is often called Greenwich Mean Time.



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I think we will make it easier to be to just "include a timezone"  i will normalise them to be aa consistent time zone.   

I have updated the first post with the entries so far and will add an amendment to the conditions as too many people are not including a timezone

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