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DenariusOnline (MMORPG)


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Some of you might know that I used to develop online RPGs with 3 successful games: Kanium, Ultix Empires and Talusia Online. I built these games years a go and I haven't really done anything in the passed 3 years in regards to game development. I recently had a idea for a game that incorporates Denarius which may draw more attention from gamer's to crypto currencies such and DNR and wanted to get some thoughts / ideas from you guys.

I used to be a good VB6 coder, but that language is basically dead, and only used for training purposes, so the engine I created in VB over the space of 10 years is outdated and canny crap now. One of my old friends, who still works in the game industry has said that I can use the engine he has developed for free :) which is powerful .NET engine. The game would not be all fancy 3D graphics, as I deal more in retro style top down 2D games, like Zelda and rough like games. Here is a really old screenshots of TalusiaOnline (2006) to get an idea of style I want to do:


TalusiaOnline had over 400 Accounts created with an active player base of around 230-300 players at a time. The game I will be making will be much better than the screenshot above, that is old, just wanted to show a general idea of 2D prospective.

My Idea is to have a world that is based on crypto currency mining, battling monsters PvE, PvP, quests and such. The main antagonist is trying to destroy nodes in the game to destroy the crypto world (have a full story which I will post later, this is just a general post to get peoples feelings on if I should do this or not). I will of course be incorporate Denarius in to the game as a actually currency along side a made up general game currency. So players can use DNR to buy extra stuff in game (not actually needed to play the game, its an extra if you want to buy stuff) but to have it so players can convert in game currency in to actual DNR to get in the real world :) So the more you play the game and get stronger  (level up) and better at mining/battling you will be earning DNR as you play :D

I will post a list of features the engine has, as well as extra's I will be hard-coding in to game for this projects purpose. If this starts and I get good interest from people I may need a few with game development history to help me out.

Thoughts/ideas/feedback all welcome :)


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Stu - (RecoStar)

Denarius Mod


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4 minutes ago, donies666 said:

a really good project, but todays mobile game also YUGE for RPG tower defence etc game type, why not try mobile gaming :D
I think all people on the world use smart phone nowadays 

Was thinking of that but never developed for a mobile game before. I will look in to it thanks. Only ever done Online PC RPG games.


Stu - (RecoStar)

Denarius Mod


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been thinking for a while now that some one should come up with a game involving cryptos but also educating people at the same time. Where do people get the time to study up on cryptos? It took me a long time...


So a game that is about attacking masternodes is straight up my ally

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6 minutes ago, Yvanitxe said:

been thinking for a while now that some one should come up with a game involving cryptos but also educating people at the same time. Where do people get the time to study up on cryptos? It took me a long time...


So a game that is about attacking masternodes is straight up my ally

Well thats kinda what I was thinking, an RPG that takes you through cyrpto currencies world while being entertaining and learning for player :)


Stu - (RecoStar)

Denarius Mod


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young people even children need to know about crypto if we want it to change the world.

They should never be a part of the slave system

As I said its been in my mind for a year now. But its difficult to make a game that educates and is fun to play.


we need ideas

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4 hours ago, Yvanitxe said:



young people even children need to know about crypto if we want it to change the world.

They should never be a part of the slave system

As I said its been in my mind for a year now. But its difficult to make a game that educates and is fun to play.


we need ideas

I totally agree mate, Well I will be seeking some support and maybe help from people to help me build this game, so ur more than welcome to help out. (we will have a private talk about it so message me on Gitter or here)


Stu - (RecoStar)

Denarius Mod


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Very cool at @RecoStar I used to make VB6 MMOs back in the day as well, they were a lot of fun! :P Its cool to see someone else here that did the same! I utilized the Eclipse and Chaos Engines back then. I recently have dabbled a lot in Unreal Engine (Blueprints) and Unity3D (C# and Java), I do have two working prototypes in each for a full fledged 3D MMO and Multiplayer CCG...I have always thought about integrating them with Denarius, especially the card game. Might be a cool side project eventually...

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@Carsen Haha no way Eclipse / Chaos!! Thats what I started off on then started to build my own extension of them! I was around when Mirage first came out and expanded to the likes of Eclipse! Small world eh? haha

I will keep you updated on how this goes but I think it will be a great idea and draw attention to both the game and DNR :)


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Stu - (RecoStar)

Denarius Mod


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this is so wonderful idea ,

and i think cryptovore even can backup it with the marketting skills in Game industry he has.

also agree with doni, if this is done also as app game for phones it will have more spreading and revenue potentials making interesting for people wanting to earn some crypto coin, and dnr its the one here :)

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On 24/7/2017 at 10:08 AM, RecoStar said:

Sure, everyone on forum and gitter can be a tester :D

Do you use a set of sprites or premade graphics? And is there something where i could get my creativity to run freely on making graphics? I've never done this before but if I could help out just a little bit I can get some experience in this :)

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21 minutes ago, hossagno said:

Do you use a set of sprites or premade graphics? And is there something where i could get my creativity to run freely on making graphics? I've never done this before but if I could help out just a little bit I can get some experience in this :)

Was going to start off using free (royalty free) GFX then move on to replace them with some custom made ones. Your more than welcome to help though mate :) I will sort a list of what will be needed and you can have a crack at it if you want.

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Stu - (RecoStar)

Denarius Mod


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Just now, RecoStar said:

Was going to start off using free (royalty free) GFX then move on to replace them with some custom made ones. Your more than welcome to help though mate :) I will sort a list of what will be needed and you can have a crack at it if you want.

I will need a tool to make these graphics though, if its a free tool I'm happy to help out, as long as I can use it while mining my sweet sweet DNR in the meanwhile :D


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Just now, hossagno said:

I will need a tool to make these graphics though, if its a free tool I'm happy to help out, as long as I can use it while mining my sweet sweet DNR in the meanwhile :D


I just used to use paint.net or photoshop as its just pixel editing 32x32 blocks. Thats what engine is base on 32x32 as well as 64x64 fpr bigger sprites. But all tiles are 32x32. I will send you some stuff in a bit, just busy with work at mo, then after work busy with the wife this week lol

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Stu - (RecoStar)

Denarius Mod


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1 minute ago, RecoStar said:

I just used to use paint.net or photoshop as its just pixel editing 32x32 blocks. Thats what engine is base on 32x32 as well as 64x64 fpr bigger sprites. But all tiles are 32x32. I will send you some stuff in a bit, just busy with work at mo, then after work busy with the wife this week lol

Alright, well I have Photoshop and paint but not gonna do it in paint :D i think if i use files that are only 32x32 or 64x64 it will still run while mining. Take your time, no need to hurry.

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