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Denarius v3.3.9.7


Changes and Features:

  • New Denarius Jupiter Flags (-jupiterlocal=1 and -jupiterip=ipfsnodeip:port to specify a remote or locally hosted IPFS node) Default is jupiterlocal=0 and uses Infura.io APIs to connect to IPFS
  • (sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev is required as a dep now!)
  • New proofofdata RPC Command
  • Updated Jupiter IPFS UI in the Denarius QT
  • New jupiterduo and jupiterduopod commands (Must have jupiterlocal flag enabled)
  • Autocomplete in the Denarius QT Debug Window
  • Fixes for upcoming PoW Block 3 Million. (Proof of Work rewards end)
  • Bug Fixes
  • Performance Updates
  • Snap is updated as always snap refresh denarius or snap install denarius on any Linux distro and arch!


SHA256 Hash: A022FEC6D9C5C4EA747A8F121E39578842803FB2CF3BA57C4798760A85906878
SHA1 Hash: 6AF62D2F684EAE99ECB27289182E6A1C9722668E
CRC64 Hash: 9F8F0D998A62B44E


SHA256 Hash: 16F7D0D928C02878428BAB1F697128079EB08FAD3480184716EFA450B051B694
SHA1 Hash: 0BB82DA5C91327A3AF22A40213152E89EA7FA839
CRC64 Hash: 4849558F817C7921


Get the latest release from https://github.com/carsenk/denarius/releases

You can also run snap update denarius or snap install denarius if on any Linux distribution

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