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Video Competition Giveaway (contribution thread)


Video Competiton - do you want to see one?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see a video competition?

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I won 11 in the meme contest and as originally planned I want to give them back to the community. I will top it up with 9 from my own stack (I know it isn'tmuch but it is some). So that makes it 20 in total from my side.

Would anyone here be willing to add to the pool for the competition? every little help, even 1 DNR.

This competition would be to create a video on DNR, it could be ANYTHING, how to video, what denarius is, perhaps a talk on Denarius, perhaps an analysis, or perhaps something funny - the sky is the limit.

What do you guys think and do you want to contribute? Carsen can handle the address where coins are stored for the competition to make it transparent.


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