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Denarius v3.3.7


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Denarius v3.3.7


  • -Fixed QT segfaults across all OSs
  • -Fixed QT compiling across all OSs
  • -Added @buzzkillb Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 Denarius QT installer bash script (denariusqtubuntu.sh)
  • -Fixed Trade D link to https://www.coinexchange.io/market/D/BTC in QT
  • -Updated Refresh button in QT
  • -Fixed macOS compatibility/building

Also includes everything from the previous versions, v3.3.6 release notes are below:

  • -Tons of fixes, improvements, and stability updates
  • -New Protocol 33500
  • -New Peers Tab in QT
  • -New Denarius News in QT
  • -Fortuna Stake Improvements

Please update your wallet as soon as possible, as there are significant improvements to take advantage of! We recommend clearing your peers.dat when installing this update to improve your connection experience.

Overview of previous version

  • Fixed consensus issues in the FPS payment spread algorithm which were causing network de-syncs for some affected wallets.
  • Due to excessive I/O during sync, stealth transaction scanning is now disabled by default when you have no stealth addresses in your wallet. If you have a stealth address already configured, scanning will occur.
  • If you have stealth addresses, but don't care about them, stealth scanning can be manually disabled with the config option -disablestealth
  • Fixed lag issues when syncing from 0 using wallets with large amounts of existing transactions.
  • Added the peers table in the settings dialog. You may now check out your current peers and their ping-time and other stats in the GUI! Nodes should now also select the closest node by ping-time to sync with.
  • Optimized the FortunaStake FPS blockchain scanning algorithm.
  • Added queuing system to getblocks; the message handling thread will no longer wait in a lock for the message to be pushed to the peer. Users on slow connections should see some significant sync speed improvements.
  • Tweaked wallet payment parameters - wallets will now choose to pay masternodes regardless of seeing their heartbeat. Some situations occured where a wallet did not receive a ping due to unreliable network circumstances, and would time out of people's lists.
  • Improved start-up time, and introduced a loading indicator to the splash screen for long rescans.
  • Fixed a possible segfault in the active FPS wallet which could cause the client to crash on heartbeat and refuse to become active until the txid is changed.
  • Fixed another possible segfault while starting up.
  • Cleaned up debug output

Please note, linux binaries require the associated development libraries to be installed from the package manager: 

libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev


Denarius-v3.3.7-Win64.zip Hashes

SHA256   48ba0a1faef06be8782b000e181ed7cc19bd46fa3b0d39a8a826f92dbe64c764
MD5    8ca1c600eaef106a36d2146f8f86bf66
SHA-1    4dd38dd66a7c27b8f6e35e95ab1d6b6b71b2b987

Denarius.exe Hashes

SHA256   2d36271560d448283bc39712e2ace64a1b21a2c3538580c101a20f8a2c6a43ba
MD5    72c68308f762ed5cfb97663a27c5d1c0
SHA-1    8de3e5a87f58448bc240ca4088a9f73d218b5c12
Authentihash    aa29fecf16852ba696fd361c6671d0d9e92ff3d30a74f47002e72592bc7bf638
Imphash    2852de0dcb5e0559e5231e10136fad4b

Denarius-v3.3.7-macOS.dmg Hashes

SHA256   683ed887479beab00254d53e95ce4d8779d617d2a45532522fffc28c5381f869
MD5    11ae922f86f487ec039215a3b8340096
SHA-1    63066c793718fe392b34fb6df618a34bbe7be644

denariusd-v337-ubuntu1604.tar.gz Hashes

SHA256   e1f44f94de8d85c0f5fa5a2138b91b4ad695d925c269900815700625028ffd84
MD5    fc16dc11a21d62a85f499ff2482b85ad
SHA-1    f1e84c3d0e712e6ac616480a09854333dc3e3d96

Get the latest release from here: https://github.com/carsenk/denarius/releases/tag/v3.3.7

As always you can git pull our master branch for the latest v3.3.7

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Hi again!  Typically, I worked it out as soon as I asked the question.  The data directory is in /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Denarius rather than /Library/Application Support/Denarius.

Not sure if that's for everyone running the Mac version, or something I did wrong when I installed it.  It's probably the latter.

Edited by noncepockets
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