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  1. How to make a bootstrap for Devault using python linearize tool. Bitcoin reference: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/42916 Linearize is located in https://github.com/devaultcrypto/devault/tree/develop/contrib/linearize, basically go to contrib/linearize folder on your latest Bitcoin fork. Copy example-linearize.cfg to linearize.cfg and edit some parameters. https://github.com/devaultcrypto/devault/pull/321/commits/8e5a4aadea66412d8a4d064c13ae55e1d6d7ffa4 You want to find the rpc port being used, netmagic, genesis block, and the default home directory for appdata. RPC port is generally on the front page of the github, if not you got some searching to do. Here is where its located on Devault. https://github.com/devaultcrypto/devault/blob/23982400beac78d27ef11a0a69cfc300b46c07bb/src/chainparamsbase.cpp#L37 For genesis block you can go to an explorer and type 0 for block. https://exploredvt.com/block-height/0 or find it in the code maybe? https://github.com/devaultcrypto/devault/blob/develop/src/chainparams.cpp#L124 Which also happens to be where the netmagic is located, lineaize gave me an error on using the netmagic hex, so I ended up using the error which is the diskMagic https://github.com/devaultcrypto/devault/blob/develop/src/chainparams.cpp#L109 Sample linearize.cfg (pick you block height you want to go to in here, and update rpc user and password) # bitcoind RPC settings (linearize-hashes) rpcuser=someuser rpcpassword=somepassword #datadir=~/.devault host= port=3339 #port=18332 # bootstrap.dat hashlist settings (linearize-hashes) max_height=313373 # bootstrap.dat input/output settings (linearize-data) # mainnet netmagic=c0d2e0d1 genesis=0000000038e62464371566f6a8d35c01aa54a7da351b2dbf85d92f30357f3a90 input=/home/example/.devault/blocks # testnet #netmagic=0b110907 #genesis=000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943 #input=/home/example/.bitcoin/testnet3/blocks # "output" option causes blockchain files to be written to the given location, # with "output_file" ignored. If not used, "output_file" is used instead. # output=/home/example/blockchain_directory output_file=/home/example/Downloads/bootstrap.dat hashlist=hashlist.txt # Maximum size in bytes of out-of-order blocks cache in memory out_of_order_cache_sz = 100000000 # Do we want the reverse the hash bytes coming from getblockhash? rev_hash_bytes = False # On a new month, do we want to set the access and modify times of the new # blockchain file? file_timestamp = 0 # Do we want to split the blockchain files given a new month or specific height? split_timestamp = 0 # Do we want debug printouts? debug_output = False Once you edit linearize.cfg ./linearize-hashes.py linearize.cfg > hashlist.txt then ./linearize-data.py linearize.cfg Now you have your bootstrap. I am lazy and use zip zip -r bootstrap.zip bootstrap.dat Now you can throw the finished bootstrap.dat into your ~/.devault or appdata directory for faster initial sync on another computer or run a website to host your file for others to grab.
  2. Bitcoin Wiki is a good source for different ways to set this up. But for a basic version running Linux, specifically Ubuntu, read below. https://en.bitcoinwiki.org/wiki/Setting_up_a_Tor_hidden_service Setup TOR, the easy way is sudo apt-get install tor Otherwise look here https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en Once that is done lets add the hidden service, which will be your onion address. sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc Now add this to the file. Devault appears to only work with v2, and doesn't work with v3, so we force that option. HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_dvt/ HiddenServiceVersion 2 HiddenServicePort 33039 Close and save, then restart the tor service. sudo service tor restart To get your new onion address. sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_dvt/hostname Now to setup the devault wallet, stop your Devault wallet and edit the devault.conf nano ~/.devault/devault.conf Add these lines, and this is where reading through the Bitcoin Wiki link above is a good idea. onion= externalip=yournewonionaddress.onion listen=1 discover=1 I like to remove peers.dat before restarting the wallet, now restart, and hopefully some others have setup onion's to connect to. here is one to try as an addnode mbzneaoigz224i5o.onion
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