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In the world of cryptocurrency, the Initial Coin Offering is one of the best crypto fundraising methods. In general, ICO is the blockchain-enabled fundraising technique, in which any emerging startup can sell their newly developed crypto tokens to interested global investors in exchange for money. For startups, ICO is one of the most effective methods to raise capital and fund new projects. 

In recent times, many startups and entrepreneurs prefer to create their ICO platforms using a pre-designed ICO script. It is a readymade and customizable ICO script that comes with all the latest technical features to make your ICO dashboard more impressive. This function-rich ICO script will help startups to perform crowdfunding effectively to raise funds. 

Some of the best features of the ICO script are -

  • Detailed reporting

  • Real time trade statistics

  • API based data transfer

  • Convenient and user friendly dashboard

  • Airdrop and bonus programs

  • KYC/AML solutions

  • Customized smart contract

  • Price control of your tokens

  • Custom funding plan 

  • Bank transfer and management 

  • Lock-in period management  

This excellent Feature-filled ICO script provides a user-friendly dashboard for faster fundraising. Also, it will allow you to launch ICO in a short period In further, It is highly customizable, so you can change the features and other aspects to meet your specific business needs.

Due to the rapid growth of the ICO sector, a lot of crypto business people choose ICO script providers to develop their ICO dashboards instantly. Their efficient and well-experienced developers will create impressive, error-free, and customizable ICO scripts in a specified time. So you can get a unique and convenient dashboard for your ICO campaign. 


For more information About ICO Script  

Whatsapp / Telegram: 91 95005 75285

Email: [email protected]

Skype: live: hello_20214  

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