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Indxx Global Education Thematic Index. The Index is designed to track the performance of companies listed in developed and emerging markets that provide products and services that facilitate education, including but not limited to companies involved in online learning and educational content/publishing, early childhood education, higher education and professional education as well as enterprise video and chat communication platforms.

Growth in the education sector is being led by increased enrollment in primary and secondary education globally, rising incomes and changing demographics in developing countries, coupled with the increasing role of technology in education. Many developing countries are reaping a ‘demographic dividend’ with a surge in young, working-age populations. Given this huge need for education, current systems will need extensive remodeling and upgraded learning models in the digital era.

Indxx Launches Three Thematic Indices, Licensed to Global X Funds for Exchange Traded Funds

 Indxx LLC is pleased to announce the launch of the Indxx Global Internet of Things Thematic Index, Indxx Global Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Thematic Index and Indxx Global Fintech Thematic Index (the “Indices”). The Indices have been licensed to New York-based ETF provider Global X Funds as the underlying benchmarks for the Global X Internet of Things Thematic ETF (NASDAQ: SNSR), Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Thematic ETF (NASDAQ: BOTZ) and Global X FinTech Thematic ETF (NASDAQ: FINX), which began trading today.

The Indices follow three initial thematic indices developed and launched by Indxx earlier this year: The Indxx Millennials Thematic Index, Indxx Global Longevity Thematic Index and Indxx Global Health & Wellness Thematic Index.

About The Indices

The Indxx Global Internet of Things Thematic Indices is designed to provide exposure to exchange-listed companies in developed markets that facilitate the Internet of Things industry, including companies involved in wearable technology, home automation, connected automotive technology, sensors, networking infrastructure/software, smart metering and energy control devices. The Internet of Things refers to the network of physical objects (devices, vehicles, equipment, homes, buildings) that are connected to the Internet through embedded devices and software, which allows these physical objects to collect, analyze and exchange data.

The Indxx Global Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Indices is designed to provide exposure to exchangelisted companies in developed markets that are involved in the development of robotics and/or artificial intelligence, including companies involved in developing industrial robots and production systems, automated inventory management, unmanned vehicles, voice/image/text recognition, and medical robots or robotic instruments.

The Indxx Global Fintech Thematic Index is designed to provide exposure to exchange-listed companies in developed markets that provide financial technology products and services, including companies involved in mobile payments, peer-to-peer (P2P) and marketplace lending, financial analytics software and alternative currencies.

Indxx has always taken pride in being able to create the most effective products for our clients. Through the years, as our product line and clientele have expanded across different regions, we’ve increasingly realized a need to have an in-house benchmark series – one that reflects and captures the respective market’s characteristics and information. T

The Indxx benchmark indices achieve just that by accurately and comprehensively replicating the performance of various developed and emerging markets, in a rules-based, transparent manner.

We believe that despite the many structural similarities of today’s financial markets, each market is still unique in terms of size, liquidity, depth, and other factors. Our research team has therefore created a systematic approach to incorporate these unique aspects effectively into each index. As a result, we believe we’ve been able to devise an index series that’s truly representative of each respective region, country, or sector. Each index methodology also lends itself well to customization, one of our core strengths, to create products in accordance with our client’s needs

About Indxx

Founded in 2005, Indxx endeavors to deliver innovative and custom indexing and calculation solutions to the investment management community at large. Indxx and products tracking our indices have been nominated for and received numerous awards, including ‘Most Innovative ETF Index Provider’ for the Americas at the 14th Annual Global ETF Awards in July 2018.

For more information about Indxx, please visit: http://www.indxx.com/

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