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Binance Smart chain is one of the best blockchains in the crypto industry for crypto token development as it possesses a lot of advantages. Mainly, it is built to run smart contract-based apps. As we know, Binance Smart Chain runs parallel to the native Binance chain. So this is the dual advantage for the crypto people and startups to get both the transaction capacity of the Binance chain and the smart contract functionality of the Binance smart chain. 

In the Binance network, the BEP20 is the most commonly used token standard. By using this token standard, one can create a BEP20 token by providing the name, symbol, decimals, and supply of tokens. The BEP20 token has many features like transfer, burning, or minting. In fact, the BEP20 token standard is the most equivalent to the ERC20 token standard which means that you can use it on the Ethereum network also.


Benefits of Creating BEP20 tokens 

  • Easy to create and deploy tokens without any hassle
  • Transactions are comparatively very faster
  • Being very popular in the crypto space, Startups can raise capital quickly and easily.  
  • You can exchange BEP20 tokens for BEP2 tokens
  • Many crypto wallets support BEP20 tokens, so you can store, receive, and transfer the tokens globally 


After knowing about what is BEP20 and its benefits, the next step is how to create them easily without spending much time and cost you can create BEP20 on your own but when it comes to the technical part there will be a chance of getting errors and some issues. To avoid this, itwould be preferable to choose the best BEP20 token development service provider.

To help you out, the best BEP20 token development services are avalaible at ICOCLONE. They are the First class BEP20 Token Development Service providers in the crypto space. They help you to create the best and most secure BEP20 tokens for budding startups and entrepreneurs. They have a team of experienced developers who are skilled in developing BEP20 tokens with the latest features. Get connected with them to acquire the best services from them. 


Join hands with them via, 

Whatsapp / Telegram: 91 95005 75285

Email: [email protected]

Skype: live: hello_20214  


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Well, the cost creating BEP20 token is not fixed one it may vary by lot of factors, here i listed some of the important factors

  • Features of BEP20 token (Mintable, pasuseable)
  • Number of BEP20 tokens to be created
  • Creating Smart contract
  • Choosing the BEP20 token development way
  • BEP20 token development provider

These are some important cost factors while creating the bep20 token development. Among these, one factor is majorly influencing your BEP20 token development cost that is choosing the BEP20 token development provider. Yes, only reliable BEP20 crypto token development providers can build your bep20 token for a budget friendly price. But choosing such a provider is not an easy task. Not to worry, I'll help you to opt for the best crypto token development service provider. I did my research on the above mentioned quality factors. As a result of my analysis, I came up with one fine solution, CoinsQueens. Yes, CoinsQueens is one of the professional Crypto Token Development Service Providers in the crypto market. Their smart contract developers are  experts in creating crypto tokens. Also, their crypto token creation price is very budget-friendly, the price range starts from $ 3K, the price might be tentative and depends on your  business needs.

If you’re interested in doing business with them, then feel free to connect with their experts directly via.,

Whatsapp / Telegram @ +918754053377

Mail: [email protected]

Skype: live:.cid.2c9e7bb84396db52

For a Free Consultation @ BEP20 Token Development

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