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How to use Proof of Data and Jupiter Upload (IPFS) to Archive a PDF


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Say you see a coin's promotional materials for an ICO and want to archive that as they change their specs on the fly, leading up to their mainnet release. How would someone go about this? Denarius has a great feature built into the wallet called Proof of Data which will hash the file. Along with this a user can upload that file directly to IPFS for archiving purposes. The POD then would act as showing that uploaded file is the same unchanged file. Lets begin with an example of how to do this.


It's been a while since I have seen a countdown timer on a mainnet release, so I was curious what they are offering. Reading both PDF's being offered shows something isn't right. What are the odds they change this after they got everyones' money upfront before the timer counts down to release? Who knows, so lets archive now and find out later.


First I download the Lite Paper. Then I go to the proof of data tab in the QT wallet, Select File, enter narration and then click Create Timestamp.


On success we get a Denarius address as the POD file hash.


D address: DHe18hHTHtQKbe5h8vTZ1xpPMZvx7zfYL8
tx hash: bc574da851172857377146c9cfcd4ebb5cb5ea1508e678bc67587a7cba42a585

Then go over to the Jupiter Tab and select the same file. I want to POD the IPFS upload as that timestamps when I archived this into IPFS itself.


After paying a small fee we get all the rest of the information.


IPFS CID/Hash: QmSJeCZdffCqyG133MHt3JGqRrn2pSV4YraYfw6DU4SFqe
Denarius Jupiter POD Address: DH9Gr5HxHDgvsJc4dhVsaNnSEkTRXwS535
Denarius Jupiter POD Transaction ID: 8a2b52571140b5cccdfacb48f5bb12d0a718a0966213695b02c2e702a3aa58c7

Can then click on View Upload file on Infura to get the Link, pretty neat.


Let me add the details from the 2nd PDF.

D address: DJAzjVvgfHyaP3UAHS4SA6eWGkeYFqWeUW
tx hash: e2f878428ee5217b4020de39961b5da0882155b9293720439b99d809dfd27f67

IPFS CID/Hash: QmR8FpPLzTZzYcbpyHL7nsiyLdp5dLJj8Z9t5Caf5zE2Dm
Denarius Jupiter POD Address: D89F1AjQDTtgSs8HU3e5fmxLGwsGfzRPBb
Denarius Jupiter POD Transaction ID: 1661258c6c85536168828cce7aa73bcbc682f52e17b31e10474ce61cbc62fcbe


I will leave it up to the user why I am showing this and comparing to 2 pieces of ICO material together showing different coins.

  • The D 1
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