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How to Build a Completely Censorship Resistant web page with Denarius and IPFS


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How to build a basic censorship resistant website using in wallet Jupiter Upload to IPFS and then message that to someone all in wallet. From what I understand this will bypass the Chinese firewall.

First download the wallet, Windows binary release located here https://github.com/carsenk/denarius/releases or compile from source.

I am going to use the full features of the wallet for this example which does cost 0.001 Denarius per upload, but this can be done all for free.

Start the wallet and go to Jupiter tab to upload your image, select Upload to IPFS and Pay 0.001 D to POD/Timestamp. The goal here is we are going to proof of data each upload to prove our images belong to us with an IPFS upload timestamp.


The first line is the IPFS hash which is the link to our image. And the 2nd line is the timestamp of when the image was uploaded to IPFS. Create a text file to save these so its easier to remember.

Our image is located here 


and POD address is D82zkzEDgfHSuAmYjJ6LZbLb1W74YLPjM7 with a timestamp of upload.

Also we will use the Proof of Data tab next to POD the image itself for a hash checksum that gets thrown into the Denarius blockchain. This will verify the authenticity of the file itself.


Our POD Address for the image itself is DN7fo3bxDYNcREL7nKEWMDbEFbuqTdDLmA

Once that is uploaded we want to save the full link to put into our webpage. Also save the POD address so we can include that into our webpage as proof.

Create an index.html which we will post the image with a link to the Proof of Data (POD) address in a block explorer.

    <title>Denarius Fully Decentralize Website Example</title>
    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="CoronaVirus Death Tracker 2020">
    <meta name="twitter:description" content="Cant Censor Us You Assholes">
    <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://i.imgur.com/cl0MchI.png">

using <a href="https://github.com/carsenk/denarius/releases">Denarius</a> Jupiter IPFS Uploader<br>
<a href="https://denarius.io/">
<img src="https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmci9khjndoearoPqpW6B6qfMWRe7rLnZ5BXdKYDaUhhRn" alt="Denarius Logo">
<table style="border:1px solid black;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">
    <th>IPFS Image Upload Proofs</th>
   <td style="text-align:center">IPFS timestamp: Qmci9khjndoearoPqpW6B6qfMWRe7rLnZ5BXdKYDaUhhRn<td>
   <td style="text-align:center">POD Timestamp: <a href="https://www.coinexplorer.net/D/address/D82zkzEDgfHSuAmYjJ6LZbLb1W74YLPjM7">D82zkzEDgfHSuAmYjJ6LZbLb1W74YLPjM7</a><td>
   <td style="text-align:center">IPFS Image Link <a href="https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmci9khjndoearoPqpW6B6qfMWRe7rLnZ5BXdKYDaUhhRn"</a>Qmci9khjndoearoPqpW6B6qfMWRe7rLnZ5BXdKYDaUhhRn<td>
   <td style="text-align:center">POD of Image: <a href="https://www.coinexplorer.net/D/address/DN7fo3bxDYNcREL7nKEWMDbEFbuqTdDLmA">DN7fo3bxDYNcREL7nKEWMDbEFbuqTdDLmA</a><td>
<a href="https://denariustalk.org/index.php?/topic/339-how-to-build-a-completely-censorship-resistant-web-page-with-denarius-and-ipfs/">Tutorial Here</a>


Save index.html and go back to the Proof of Data tab to hash checksum our index.html.  Then upload to IPFS using POD again. The reason to do this is we will next message our friend to prove this is also my upload, which is giving a timestamp of the file itself and a checksum address of index.html which means this can't be faked and is authentic.


Upload the final index.html to IPFS and POD this.


Quickly we can use the infura or cloudflare links, or use the default IPFS and type this in ourselves, 3 examples below using same file hash we just uploaded.


This POD address from above image DD6xmZTTH6TgdD8sn3tqB5MnWsS4xZhSb6 we can use in our message to someone. Go to the Messages tab.


I sent to myself because I need more Denarius friends. Checking my inbox I can see I got something.


And there is my message delivered.



Go think of new ways you can use this to create censorship resistant apps as the Denarius command line daemon also allows all of these commands.


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