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[ANN] Wealth Bear ⭐️ (Wealth Token $WLTH) - A BSC Multi-Currency Crypto Wallet


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Wealth Bear - A Multi-Currency Crypto Wallet for the Binance Smart Chain.

Wealth Bear is an innovative chrome wallet that is secure and allows you to view all the latest tokens (Over 3000+) on the BSC chain. Track new gems from Pancake Swap easily!

Join with Over 1500+ Holders, Invest in $WLTH Token!

Wealth Token distribution has been enabled for fair distribution for BSC users who desire a place of long-term asset storage. You can think of it like digital gold in the bank vault or better! No empty roadmap promises, WLTH is the featured currency in our already live 5 star rated Wealth Bear software.

Wallet Privacy Features:

Bear Wealth Wallet seeks in everyway to help give you peace of mind that your BSC Crypto assets are secure and your privacy is maintained. Along with our Auto-lock password timer, we maintain privacy with:

Multi-Addresses - It is free and easy to create as many BSC addresses as you want, this helps give you a layer of privacy and anonymity with your transactions.

No Data Storage - Your wallet information is not stored on any 3rd party server but only on the blockchain itself with your seed code on your own device.

No KYC - No KYC bureaucracy to access your funds, no IP association, no identity linking. Your data is your own business!

Are You Looking to buy tokens on pancake swap or utilize your Tokens on different Dapp's? It's easy with Wealth Bear utilizing the  WalletConnect protocol. WalletConnect is not an app, but an open protocol to communicate securely between Wallets and Dapps (Web3 Apps).

Token Information:
Nomics Chart: https://nomics.com/assets/wlth-wealth-token
CodeBrain Chart: https://coinbrain.com/coins/0x41a03333c34388433c86268D1BB06aF5d9B1D460
🌟BscScan: https://bscscan.com/token/0x41a03333c34388433c86268D1BB06aF5d9B1D460
Ticker: WLTH
Supply: 500,000,000
Decimals: 18

Buy $WLTH: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x41a03333c34388433c86268D1BB06aF5d9B1D460

Download Wealth Bear Wallet:
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wealth-bear-wallet/fjghjobbfggoacelnibacipoilennobn?hl=en&authuser=0

Other Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wealthbearapp
Telegram CHAT: https://t.me/wealthtokenCHAT
Github: https://github.com/wealth-token
Our LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/wealthbear

Edited by wealthbear
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