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Setup Blackminer F1 on Hashaltcoin for Custom Pool


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How to use hashaltcoin hosted mining to mine to any pool you want. I am using my Denarius pool as the example. https://mining.cafe
If you are buying from hashaltcoin.com here is my invitation code. use this 8VA0IQ for a discount.

First, sign up and setup a new rig on https://www.miningrigrentals.com

You do not need to rent the hash out, but you can if you want. The default pool list on the hosted hashaltcoin list is very tiny to mine Denarius.

Go to My Rigs

Select Tribus and Create New Rig. You might not have tribus already, so just select Create New Rig.

Use these settings. Custom pool on hashaltcoin only seems to go to the Asia server.

Click on the newly created rig. I ended up calling this F1 Miner Example.

Click Connection Information tab and take note of what this says. You will end up connecting to the sample site to get your port you will be mining to.

In this example we get ccminer -o stratum+tcp://ap-01.miningrigrentals.com:3333 -u username.123456 -p x

Next we go to hashaltcoin, login, and go to the My Miners tab and then find your miner and Manage miner


Now we add a miner strategy. I already did one, but click the big + sign.

Now use this setup, and put your username.123456 from above and x as your password. Click OK and then Change Strategy.

Wait a few minutes and go back to miningrigrentals to get your port. Click on GET MY RIG PORT and the port will show up.

Go back to hashaltcoin for custom pool setup. Click to My miners and then to My Pools. We are going to Add the below pool with custom port. Click + Add

Something like the below. Basically we are putting in a custom port for MRR Asia pool using tribus algo.

Now we need to add our custom pool to actually be mining to. I am using my pool https://mining.cafe

Go back to miningrigrental site and click Pool Configuration.

Click Add a pool.

Fill out your pool like this.

Go back to hashaltcoin to manage your miner and add a new pool.

Fill out your new pool like below. Basically we are using the custom MRR Asia pool we just setup with that new port. Same username.123456 and password of x. Make sure to click OK and then set this as your default pool.

Give this a few minutes to connect and go back to miningrigrentals to look at your hashrate.

Please spread the hash out on Denarius or any coin you are mining.


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