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Building a Virtual Bookshelf Application with ReactJS and the Goodreads API: A Step-by-Step Guide


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In today's digital age, people are increasingly turning to online platforms to manage and organize their book collections. A virtual bookshelf application is a useful tool that allows users to create a virtual library of books, save their reading progress, and discover new titles.

ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, provides a powerful framework for developing virtual bookshelf applications. By using ReactJS, developers can create dynamic and interactive components that are easy to maintain and update.

To populate the virtual bookshelf with book data, we will be using the Goodreads API. Goodreads is a social media platform for book lovers that provides a wealth of information on books, authors, and user reviews. By integrating the Goodreads API with our virtual bookshelf application, we can access a vast database of book data and display it in an organized and user-friendly way.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of building a virtual bookshelf application with ReactJS and the Goodreads API. We will cover all the necessary steps, from setting up the project to adding search and filtering functionality, and finally saving book data to local storage. By the end of this article, you will have a fully functional virtual bookshelf application that you can customize and build upon to suit your needs.

Setting up the project

Before we can start building the virtual bookshelf application, we need to set up the project and gather all the necessary dependencies. This section will guide you through the steps of creating a new ReactJS project, installing required packages, and obtaining an API key for the Goodreads API.

Creating a new ReactJS project

To create a new ReactJS project, we need to have Node.js and npm installed on our computer. If you do not have Node.js installed, you can download it from the official website: https://nodejs.org/en/. Once you have Node.js installed, you can use the following command to create a new ReactJS project:

npx create-react-app virtual-bookshelf

This command will create a new ReactJS project in a folder named virtual-bookshelf. You can then navigate to the project folder using the following command:

cd virtual-bookshelf

Installing required packages

To use the Goodreads API and other necessary dependencies, we need to install some packages using npm. In the project directory, run the following command to install the packages:

npm install axios react-router-dom react-icons

Here is a brief overview of the packages we are installing:

  • axios: a package that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and handle responses

  • react-router-dom: a package that provides routing capabilities for our ReactJS application

  • react-icons: a package that provides a wide range of icons that can be used in our application

Obtaining an API key for the Goodreads API

To use the Goodreads API, we need to obtain an API key. Here are the steps to obtain an API key:

  1. Go to https://www.goodreads.com/api/keys and sign in to your Goodreads account (or create a new account if you do not have one).

  2. Click on "apply for a developer key" and fill out the form with the necessary information.

  3. Once you have submitted the form, you should receive an email with your API key.

Make sure to keep your API key safe and secure. We will be using this key to make API requests in our virtual bookshelf application.

In the next section, we will start building the user interface for the virtual bookshelf application using ReactJS components

Building the user interface

Now that we have set up the project and obtained our Goodreads API key, we can start building the user interface for our virtual bookshelf application. In this section, we will discuss the components that we will need and walk through the process of creating and styling them with CSS. We will also demonstrate how to use ReactJS props and state to make the components dynamic and interactive.

Components for the virtual bookshelf application

Our virtual bookshelf application will consist of the following components:

  • A search bar component that allows users to search for books by title, author, or ISBN number

  • A book list component that displays the search results or the saved books on the virtual bookshelf

  • A book detail component that shows more information about a selected book

  • A shelf component that displays the user's saved books and allows them to move books between shelves

  • A header component that displays the title and branding of the application

We will create each of these components using ReactJS and style them with CSS. We will also use props and state to make the components dynamic and interactive.

Creating and styling components with CSS

To create a component in ReactJS, we define a function that returns a block of JSX (a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows us to write HTML-like code). Here is an example of a simple component that displays a title:

function Title(props) {

  return <h1>{props.text}</h1>;


In this example, we define a function called Title that takes a props object as a parameter. The props object contains any properties that we pass to the component when we use it in our application. In this case, we pass a text property that contains the title text.

We can use this component in our application by importing it and passing the necessary properties:

import Title from "./Title";


function App() {

  return <Title text="My Virtual Bookshelf" />;


In this example, we import the Title component from a file called Title.js and use it in our main App component. We pass the text property with the value "My Virtual Bookshelf".

To style our components, we can use CSS in a separate file or inline within the JSX code. Here is an example of using inline styles to add a background color to our Title component:

function Title(props) {

  const style = { backgroundColor: "lightblue" };

  return <h1 style={style}>{props.text}</h1>;


In this example, we define a style object that contains a backgroundColor property with the value "lightblue". We then pass this object to the style attribute of the h1 element.

Using props and state to make components dynamic

Props and state are two fundamental concepts in ReactJS that allow us to make our components dynamic and interactive. In this section, we will demonstrate how to use props and state to make our components in the virtual bookshelf application dynamic and interactive.

Using Props

Props are properties that we pass to a component when we use it in our application. Props are read-only, meaning that a component cannot modify its props directly. We can use props to pass data from a parent component to its child components.

Here is an example of using props to pass a book object to a BookDetail component:

function BookDetail(props) {

  const { title, author, description, imageUrl } = props.book;

  return (





      <img src={imageUrl} alt={title} />




In this example, we pass a book object as a prop to the BookDetail component. We then use destructuring to extract the title, author, description, and imageUrl properties from the book object. We then use these properties to display the book information in the component.

Using State

State is a built-in feature of ReactJS that allows us to store data that can change over time. Unlike props, state can be modified by a component directly. When a component's state changes, React will automatically re-render the component and any child components that depend on its state.

Here is an example of using state to create a SearchBar component that allows users to search for books:

import React, { useState } from "react";


function SearchBar(props) {

  const [query, setQuery] = useState("");


  const handleInputChange = (event) => {




  const handleSearchClick = () => {




  return (


      <input type="text" value={query} onChange={handleInputChange} />

      <button onClick={handleSearchClick}>Search</button>




In this example, we use the useState hook to create a query state variable and a setQuery function that can be used to update the state. We then define an handleInputChange function that is called whenever the user types in the search input. The handleInputChange function calls setQuery with the new input value, which updates the query state variable.

We also define a handleSearchClick function that is called when the user clicks the search button. The handleSearchClick function calls a props.onSearch function with the current query value. This allows the SearchBar component to communicate with its parent component and pass the search query.

Finally, we render an input element and a search button. We bind the input element value to the query state variable and the onChange event to the handleInputChange function. We bind the search button onClick event to the handleSearchClick function.

Retrieving data from the Goodreads API

In this section, we will discuss the Goodreads API endpoints that will be used for the virtual bookshelf application. We will then walk through the process of making API requests with Axios and demonstrate how to parse the API response data and integrate it with the ReactJS components.

Goodreads API endpoints

Goodreads provides a RESTful API that allows developers to access their book catalog, user data, and other features. For the virtual bookshelf application, we will use the Goodreads API to search for books, retrieve book information, and add books to a user's shelf.

Here are some of the Goodreads API endpoints that we will use:

  • Search books: /search/index.xml

  • Get book information: /book/show.xml

  • Add book to shelf: /shelf/add_to_shelf.xml

We will use Axios, a popular JavaScript library for making HTTP requests, to interact with the Goodreads API.

Making API requests with Axios

To use Axios in our ReactJS project, we need to install the axios package:

npm install axios

Once we have installed Axios, we can make API requests in our components. Here is an example of using Axios to search for books:

import axios from "axios";


function searchBooks(query) {

  const url = `https://www.goodreads.com/search/index.xml?key=${API_KEY}&q=${query}`;

  return axios.get(url).then((response) => {

    // handle the API response



In this example, we define a searchBooks function that takes a query parameter. We then construct a Goodreads API URL using the query and our API key. We make a GET request to the API URL using axios.get and handle the response using a then function.

Parsing API response data

The Goodreads API returns data in XML format. To parse the API response data, we can use a JavaScript library like xml2js. We need to install the xml2js package to use it in our project:

npm install xml2js

Here is an example of using xml2js to parse the API response data:

import axios from "axios";

import { parseStringPromise } from "xml2js";


function searchBooks(query) {

  const url = `https://www.goodreads.com/search/index.xml?key=${API_KEY}&q=${query}`;

  return axios.get(url).then((response) => {

    return parseStringPromise(response.data).then((result) => {

      // handle the parsed data




In this example, we import the parseStringPromise function from xml2js. We then use parseStringPromise to parse the response.data from the Goodreads API. The parseStringPromise function returns a JavaScript object that we can use in our components.

Adding search and filtering functionality

In this section, we will discuss the user requirements for search and filtering books. We will then walk through the process of implementing search and filtering functionality using ReactJS state and Goodreads API query parameters.

User requirements

To provide a great user experience, our virtual bookshelf application should allow users to search for books and filter their bookshelf by various criteria. Here are some of the user requirements for search and filtering functionality:

  • Search: Users should be able to search for books by title, author, or ISBN.

  • Filter by status: Users should be able to filter their bookshelf by status (e.g., read, currently reading, to read).

  • Filter by rating: Users should be able to filter their bookshelf by rating (e.g., 4 stars, 3 stars, 2 stars, 1 star).

Implementing search and filtering functionality

To implement search and filtering functionality, we will use ReactJS state to keep track of the search query and filters. We will then use Goodreads API query parameters to search for books and filter the bookshelf.

Implementing search functionality

To implement search functionality, we can add a search bar component to our application. Here is an example of a search bar component:

function SearchBar(props) {

  const [query, setQuery] = useState("");


  const handleQueryChange = (event) => {




  const handleSubmit = (event) => {





  return (

    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>



        placeholder="Search for books"




      <button type="submit">Search</button>




In this example, we define a SearchBar component that uses ReactJS state to keep track of the search query. We also define handleQueryChange and handleSubmit functions to update the query and call the onSearch function when the form is submitted.

We can then use the SearchBar component in our App component to search for books:

function App() {

  const [books, setBooks] = useState([]);


  const handleSearch = (query) => {

    searchBooks(query).then((results) => {





  return (


      <SearchBar onSearch={handleSearch} />

      <BookList books={books} />




In this example, we define an App component that uses the SearchBar component to search for books. We also define a handleSearch function that calls the searchBooks function and updates the books state.

Implementing filtering functionality

To implement filtering functionality using ReactJS state and Goodreads API query parameters, we can create a new component called FilterButtons that displays buttons for filtering books by status and rating. Here's an example implementation:

function FilterButtons({ onFilter }) {

  const [statusFilter, setStatusFilter] = useState("all");

  const [ratingFilter, setRatingFilter] = useState("none");


  const handleStatusFilter = (status) => {


    onFilter({ status, rating: ratingFilter });



  const handleRatingFilter = (rating) => {


    onFilter({ status: statusFilter, rating });



  return (



        <button onClick={() => handleStatusFilter("all")}>All Books</button>

        <button onClick={() => handleStatusFilter("currently-reading")}>

          Currently Reading


        <button onClick={() => handleStatusFilter("to-read")}>To Read</button>

        <button onClick={() => handleStatusFilter("read")}>Read</button>



        <select value={ratingFilter} onChange={(e) => handleRatingFilter(e.target.value)}>

          <option value="none">No rating</option>

          <option value="1">1 star</option>

          <option value="2">2 stars</option>

          <option value="3">3 stars</option>

          <option value="4">4 stars</option>

          <option value="5">5 stars</option>






In this example, we define a FilterButtons component that uses ReactJS state to keep track of the status and rating filters. We also define handleStatusFilter and handleRatingFilter functions to update the filters and call the onFilter function with the updated filters.

We can then use the FilterButtons component in our App component to filter books:

function App() {

  const [books, setBooks] = useState([]);


  const handleSearch = (query) => {

    searchBooks(query).then((results) => {





  const handleFilter = ({ status, rating }) => {

    filterBooks({ status, rating }).then((results) => {





  return (


      <SearchBar onSearch={handleSearch} />

      <FilterButtons onFilter={handleFilter} />

      <BookList books={books} />




In this example, we define an App component that uses the FilterButtons component to filter books. We also define a handleFilter function that calls the filterBooks function and updates the books state.

Saving book data to local storage

One of the key user requirements for a virtual bookshelf application is the ability to save books to the shelf so that they can be viewed and accessed later. In this section, we will walk through the process of using ReactJS state and local storage to save and retrieve book data.

First, let's start by defining the user requirements for saving books to the virtual bookshelf. The user should be able to:

  1. Add a book to the shelf by clicking on an "Add to shelf" button or icon.

  2. View the list of books on the virtual bookshelf.

  3. Remove a book from the shelf by clicking on a "Remove from shelf" button or icon.

To implement these requirements, we can use ReactJS state to keep track of the list of books on the shelf, and local storage to persist this data across page reloads.

Here's an example implementation of the addBook and removeBook functions that use ReactJS state and local storage to add and remove books from the virtual bookshelf:

addBook = (book) => {

  const shelf = [...this.state.shelf, book];


    shelf: shelf


  localStorage.setItem("shelf", JSON.stringify(shelf));



removeBook = (bookId) => {

  const shelf = this.state.shelf.filter(book => book.id !== bookId);


    shelf: shelf


  localStorage.setItem("shelf", JSON.stringify(shelf));


In this implementation, the addBook function takes in a book object representing the book to add to the shelf. It uses the spread operator to create a new array of books on the shelf, which includes the new book, and updates the state of the shelf array using the setState method. It then saves the updated shelf array to local storage using the localStorage.setItem method.

The removeBook function takes in a bookId representing the ID of the book to remove from the shelf. It creates a new array of books on the shelf using the filter method to exclude the book with the specified ID, and updates the state of the shelf array using the setState method. It then saves the updated shelf array to local storage using the localStorage.setItem method.

To retrieve the list of books on the virtual bookshelf when the application loads, you can use the componentDidMount lifecycle method to check if the shelf array is stored in local storage, and update the state of the shelf array if it is:

componentDidMount() {

  const shelf = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shelf")) || [];


    shelf: shelf



In this implementation, the componentDidMount method checks if the shelf array is stored in local storage using the localStorage.getItem method. If the array exists, it parses the JSON string using the JSON.parse method and updates the state of the shelf array using the setState method. If the array does not exist, it sets the shelf array to an empty array.

By using ReactJS state and local storage to save and retrieve book data, we can provide a seamless and persistent user experience for the virtual bookshelf application.


In conclusion, building a virtual bookshelf application with ReactJS and the Goodreads API is a great way to showcase the power of ReactJS and its ability to interact with external APIs. Through this tutorial, we have demonstrated how to create a dynamic and interactive user interface, retrieve data from an external API, and add search and filtering functionality.

Moreover, we have also shown how to use local storage to store book data, which is a crucial feature for any virtual bookshelf application.

By following this tutorial, you will have a solid foundation for building your own virtual bookshelf application with ReactJS and the Goodreads API.

Overall, ReactJS is an excellent choice for building web applications due to its scalability, reusability, and performance. It has a robust community and a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools that make development faster and more efficient.

If you're looking to build a web application with ReactJS, don't hesitate to hire react js developers who are well-versed in ReactJS and its various libraries and tools. With their expertise, you can be sure to get the best results for your web application.

Edited by smithhjeff
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