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DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) have become renowned lately with an increase in the number of crypto enthusiasts and blockchain technology is more commonly adopted. There are numerous leading DAO platforms but this new year holds a new vision, so let’s explore the top DAO governance platform for gaining-



Investors assume Aave to be a long-term DAO project to invest in due to its open-source liquidity protocol. The protocol was hosted on the Ethereum blockchain during its start but now it can integrate with multiple other networks.



Uniswap is one of the biggest and most well-known DAOs. It works as a cryptocurrency exchange made on Ethereum. Anyone can be a member holding UNI token and gets voting rights in the running and administration of the organization.



Compound is one of the leading DAO crypto projects, offering autonomous interest rate protocol and safe custody for trading and staking. It prefers the governance of its protocol to retain its users and incentivizes them with tokens to create a larger ecosystem.

Check Out For More Detail: https://www.antiersolutions.com/dao-development-company/

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