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With digitization on the surge, decentralized autonomous organization development is also gaining momentum as more modern businesses are opting for it in their work. Owing to the multiple benefits that these organizations offer, it is apparent that these will transform the modern business structure and functionality. 


The pros are-

First of all, DAOs unite people irrespective of their social, financial or geographical status for a common purpose or opinion.

The decision - making process is decentralized and democratized which creates more transparency, accountability and security.

With an equal contribution to decision-making, every member will feel important and responsible hence leading to a better, happier and healthier business environment.

Having individual contributions and role makes every employee informed about every plan and decision so there is less need for people management.

Everything in the DAO structure is more visible so it means all individual contributions are seen and recognized resulting in better performance and productivity.


All the above-mentioned points clarify that DAOs are going to improve the work culture and improve the productivity of employees making the environment healthier, that's why it is certain that decentralized autonomous organization development is going to modify the business structure in the coming future.  


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