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What is a Ready-made ICO Script? 


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Before getting to know about a ready-made ICO script, one should know what is ICO and how does it work? Well, ICO - Initial Coin Offering is one of the best fundraising mechanisms for emerging startups to sell their newly created crypto tokens in exchange for fiat currencies or cryptos. It is an excellent practice for entrepreneurs to raise funds for their business growth. By using the ICO crowdfunding method, any startup can raise funds from global investors.


In the current scenario, Startups who want to launch their own ICO make use of the ready-made ICO script. Getting an ICO script is a hassle-free solution for startups to launch their ICO platform. 


ICO script is a customizable website script that has been inbuilt with all the add-ons and newest features to build an updated ICO website. Also, it has many beneficial factors and is an easy way to enter the crypto world. It is a simple, quick, cost and time-effective solution to launch the ICO platform within 7 days.


Now let us lookout for the ideal features of the ICO script 


For Admin dashboard -

  • Detailed reporting and analytics 

  • Excellent transaction handling system

  • Investor management 

  • Transaction handling 

  • Customized smart contract

  • Custom funding plan 

  • Bank transfer and management 

  • Whitelisting 

  • Lock-in period management 


For investors Dashboard - 

  • User-friendly interface

  • Real-time statistics

  • Secured crypto token wallet 

  • Multi-language support 

  • Investor contract execution

  • KYC/AML solutions 

  • One-touch information 

  • Current exchange rates

  • Airdrop and bonus programs

Checkout this FREE demo >> ICO Script 

So it is a smarter choice is, to choose a readymade ICO script for launching an ICO instantly. If you are interested in launching an ICO platform using a pre-designed ICO script, look out for the Best ICO script providers without further delay. They will develop your ultra modern ICO website using an ICO script that helps you to launch your ICO platform within an short time.

Get connected with them to initiate your ICO campaign in a successful way.

initial coin offering script.png

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