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Opensea-like NFT marketplace development cost


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NFT marketplaces like OpenSea are an alluring topic, many love the space as it gives them creative freedom and also helps them financially. The fancy idea of selling and buying digital assets like art, music, videos, game accessories, etc. has captured many. And crypto entrepreneurs are to take advantage of this craze, many are trying to start their own NFT marketplace with a minimal investment.
As I went through the FAQs, most of it was filled with how much it costs to start an NFT marketplace like OpenSea. To answer it, the cost to create and launch an NFT marketplace like OpenSea differs on basis of how you’re to create an NFT marketplace. The main factor that cost you much before launching an NFT marketplace are,

  • Development
  • Testing 

The development part of an NFT marketplace can be a bit hectic if you choose to create every single feature and functionality from scratch. This is called the scratch method. So you should develop everything from zero. And it costs you around $100k - $ 400k. This can also go higher depending on the features you need for your NFT marketplace. Then comes the testing, it costs less but as you might test your NFT marketplace multiple times, it can cost you more every time.

So if you look into alternatives for the scratch method, it is using a predeveloped OpenSea clone script. 

An OpenSea clone script is a pre-built solution to start your NFT marketplace like OpenSea at a very low cost. This software has all the features and functions of the OpenSea NFT marketplace in it. You can build an NFT marketplace like OpenSea with this OpenSea clone script at a low cost compared to the scratch method. 
The OpenSea clone script’s advantage is that you can also customize it to your choice and your business requirements. The customizability feature of the OpenSea clone script is an added benefit, overall the OpenSea clone script costs around $10k and this customization can add a few dollars. You don’t have to worry about development costs if you choose the OpenSea clone script as it has already been developed. Then comes the testing process, as the OpenSea clone script is already developed in advance, it is also tested and updated from time to time. 

So after buying the OpenSea clone script from a popular clone script provider like CoinsQueens, you can deploy it to the market and start your NFT marketplace business journey. 
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Edited by joelryan
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