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Why DAO is the most important blockchain application and how Antier is making a difference

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What if you could form your own organisation with people from across the world, make your own rules, and execute them autonomously without any external interference? DAO or Decentralised Autonomous Organisation lets you do just that. DAO can be defined as a transparent and autonomous community-based entity driven by blockchain-powered smart contracts. Simply put, it lets organisations run their entire business with an open governance framework.

For years, we have lived in a world where decision-making has been centralised. This means leaders, board members, CEOs make decisions for us. But the new Web3 idea making waves, DAO, allows communities, corporations, or any type of collective organisation to be administered and governed without centralised leadership, through blockchain. Their actions are represented by some form of blockchain transaction. The rules are embedded into the code, so there aren’t any bureaucracy or hierarchy hurdles.

Source: https://yourstory.com/2022/09/antier-utilizes-dao-most-important-blockchain-application-making-difference/amp

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