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DAO blockchain development has been an area that gained wide traction in recent years while taking DAO voting to the next level. DAO has been popular for offering fair, transparent, and equal voting rights to their customers and this is one prominent reason to count on decentralized autonomous organization development services. When it comes to the popular voting mechanisms of DAO, there are majorly seven types to choose from:

  • Vote delegation/Liquid democracy
  • Quadrac Voting
  • Holographic Consensus
  • Conviction Voting
  • Rage Quitting
  • Weighted Voting & Reputation-based Voting
  • Knowledge-extractable Voting (KEV)

One must invest time in identifying the major objectives and target audience prior to choosing the voting mechanism and making the choice that ideally fits the business model.

Check Out For More Detail: https://www.antiersolutions.com/dao-development-company/

Schedule A Free Demo Phone: +91 987 83 62625
Email: [email protected]

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