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Why should you start a crypto exchange?

braxton _1771

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Crypto exchange has secured a top position in the current crypto market. Many individuals who had an interested in trading are likely to trade on this exchange platform. so it helps the admin of the exchange to reap a huge amount of profit. At the same time., it makes crypto exchange popular among many crypto audiences.

As a business startup, if you are looking to start a huge-revenue generating business but might not be much aware of choosing the best business ideas, Then starting the crypto exchange is the best and finest solution for you. 

This is not saying just by words. I did a detailed analysis in found the best business ideas according to the popularity and revenue-earning ways. At the end of my research, I found and sort out the best business idea - crypto exchange. By considering all essential aspects it is dominant among many businesses. also, the demand and hype for crypto exchange are increasing day by day. Therefore it’s the right time to kick-start your crypto exchange business in a crypto market

Before stepping into the crypto market, Let’s have a quick view into the revenue-earning ways of crypto exchange

Generally, by starting a  crypto exchange, you can generate revenue in the following ways 

  • Trading fees
  • Withdrawal fees
  • Listing fees

Trading fees

Here you can charge fees for each trade. The fees may seem small per transaction but when its volume range gets high, you can make a lucrative amount of profit.

Listing  fees

Listing fees may vary depending on the size and popularity of the crypto exchange. Let us see about the  price variant from small to large exchange

Small exchanges may charge listing fees from 1- 5 BTC
The medium size exchanges would charge listing fees from  10 to 15 BTC
Large exchanges will charge listing fees from 1 million to 2.5 million 

Withdrawal fees:

After buying the cryptocurrencies, users would withdraw their cryptos into non-custodial wallets. For the withdrawal process, you can charge the withdrawal fees and by doing this, you can earn a huge profit.

I hope now you got the idea about why to start a crypto exchange. But before stepping into this business. you should have some awareness of the important steps to follow to start a crypto exchange. By knowing them, you can launch your exchange platform successfully.


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You business people might be wondering why many startups and entrepreneurs are willing to start a crypto exchange platform. This is indeed booming in the crypto market. The reasons behind this phenomena are, 

  • Crypto exchange is a highly revenue generating business model in a short period of time.
  • It could be your long term investment and could turn into a big business.(without investing hefty capital)
  • The crypto space is booming with many crypto traders and thus there is no scarcity for target investors.
  • There is no risk of market crash, whether it is bull or bear, the crypto trading will not stop.

Only a few smart business people sniff out these gem points and get started with their crypto exchange development. If you are not one among them, it isn’t a big deal. Along with these business knacks, this generation of crypto startups got an ideal way to start a crypto exchange. Ie., using a white label crypto exchange software. 

What is a white label crypto exchange software?

White label crypto exchange software/crypto exchange software is pre-programmed readily deployable software that is loaded with stunning trading and security options. The respective software providers help you customize the white label crypto exchange software based on your business requirements. Many innovative crypto projects have been developed using the white label crypto exchange software. 

Business benefits of using a white label crypto exchange software:

  1. 100% customizable
  2. Highly cost-effective
  3. Secured and reliable
  4. Featured filled
  5. Easy and faster deployment
  6. No technical skills required

So, How to acquire one?

Getting crypto exchange software does help you launch a crypto exchange platform in a short span of time. But, you need to ensure that the crypto exchange software is bug-free, reliable, feature-filled and highly secured. To acquire that kind of crypto exchange software, you need to go with the top white label crypto exchange software providers in the market. This way your hopes for your dream platform will not be wasted. Thus, you end up developing a secured and bug-free crypto exchange software.
From which, CoinsQueens holds the leading position and they are in the crypto exchange development industry with a majestic portfolio of 50+ crypto projects. They have been doing a great job helping crypto startups with high-end white label crypto exchange software.

You can reach out to their business experts and get your quote via,

Whatsapp/Telegram  : +91 87540 53377
Skype: live:.cid.2c9e7bb84396db52?chat
Mail : [email protected]

Get a free demo of their white label crypto exchange software << here

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