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Sell rare collectibles instantly with a BAYC clone


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$2.05 billion! If you are wondering what does this figure denote? It denotes the market capitalization of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). The Ethereum-based NFT collection has become a popular platform for selling apes, granting exclusive access to clubs, and providing ownership and commercial rights to investors. Are you that aspiring entrepreneur who is interested in ruling the metaverse? Create a Bored Ape Yacht Club clone now. 

  • It is a readily deployable NFT marketplace with features similar to Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). 

  • Buyers can purchase collectibles themed in the form of monkeys. All the apes are ERC-721 NFTs. Is every ape unique? Yes!.  Each primate differs based on its background, clothes, earrings, eyes, furs, hats, and mouths. 

  • Moreover,  all the data is stored securely on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Thus, investors need to link their software wallet like MetaMask, process the transaction in Ethereum (ETH), enter the private key, and purchase their preferred NFT. 

  • Post a while, they can enter a club, get access to amenities and receive other benefits in the long run. 

  • Is there anything else special? Yes. The BAYC clone script is customized and extra elements like gaming and music can also be added as per the business requirements. Moreover, you can also personalize your NFT marketplace by adding brand elements like images, logos, and taglines. This enables you to capture the target market and also entice NFT collectors across the globe. 

Do you want to enter the Web 3.0 revolution? Connect with a white-label solution provider now and build a Bored Ape Yacht Club clone soon. 

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