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✅ Dolphin{anty} - a modern antidetect browser! -❗️10 free profiles for everyone❗️

Dolphin Anty

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We present to your attention a modern antidetect browser - Dolphin{anty}⚡

❗Reliability and convenience are the main postulates of the developers. That's why we won the market leadership in less than a year after the release.
The user survey clearly demonstrates this!



Reliability - continuous improvement in the quality of the browser fingerprint replacement and the stability of the product's servers. The last thing the user should doubt is the quality of the tool. For us, this is a top priority.

Convenience - working with hundreds and thousands of browser profiles is a big problem. A necessary development vector is the creation of additional functionality that will further simplify the user's work in the daily rhythm, both in single mode and in a team.

Works great with: — Facebook , — Instagram , — Google, — YouTube, — Twitter, — TikTok, — Coinlist, — Huobi ... etc.


By using Dolphin{anty} you will notice the following benefits:

✅ Manage browser profiles
Work with hundreds of profiles from one device. Each profile is a unique browser fingerprint with a separate web environment. Cache, cookies and other settings are completely separated from each other, which does not allow them to be associated with other accounts.

✅ Real browser fingerprint based on our personal browser build
We have not just created a mechanism for generating different fingerprints, but have developed a system that takes real fingerprints from users and provides them to users. Thus, using our browser, you will be as "similar" to a normal Internet user as possible. We constantly put a lot of effort into ensuring that they are checked by any scanners, including pixelscan, creepJS and others.

✅ Teamwork
A modern anti-detect browser requires not only a high-quality replacement for a fingerprint, but also convenient collaboration with other users.
 Dolphin{anty} provides the ability to issue individual access rights and monitor the status of profiles of each team member.

✅ Notes, tags and statuses
Simplicity and ease of use of the browser is one of the highest priority items. Quickly create a note, pin a tag, or set a status for each profile to create the most intuitive work environment. You can find the same profile out of a thousand and find out what data is inside it in a couple of clicks.

✅ Mass creation and management
To work effectively with a large amount of data, you just need the functionality for mass creation and management. Of course, we paid attention to this and made it possible to create, manage, apply and massively remove browser profiles, proxies and extensions in a few clicks.


Our benefits don't end there. More information can be found in our blog 😉

❗️Dear users, we also did not forget about such important features as:
⚡ cookie robot,
⚡ work via API,
⚡ Selenium/Puppeteer automation,
⚡ human input/SmartPaste function,
⚡ trash of deleted profiles,
⚡ transferring profiles to another user,
⚡ dark or light theme,
⚡ change proxy IP in one click
 - all this is already implemented and available for use!
In addition, we constantly update the current version of the core in accordance with the releases of the Chrome browser.

In the modern world, an anti-detect browser should be a tool from the category “available to everyone”,
which is why we tried to make very flexible tariff plans with the most affordable prices for all users!

❗After registration, a 4-day trial period for 1000 profiles without functional restrictions will be automatically activated for you.
After this time, you will be able to use 10 profiles or buy any plan.



❗Do we have an affiliate program and support service?


You will receive 15% of all payments of the users you referred for life! If you have a proposal for cooperation or you need your own promotional code, please contact support, we will help you with any questions, including the withdrawal of referral funds.

⚡️Register an account, download the browser and find out more information from official sources:


Official site: anty.dolphin.ru.com
Telegram chat: t.me/dolphin_anty_chat
News channel: t.me/dolphin_anty_en

Dolphin{anty} team!

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⚡ Whoa, whoa, whoa!

😨 Is this a 30% discount on Dolphin{anty}❓

✅ It is she, friends❗

In honor of Black Friday, we are giving you the promotional code DOLPHIN_BF,

which gives you a 30% discount on the first purchase of any tariff at Dolphin{anty}

The promo code is valid for only four days - from November 26 to November 29, don't yawn❗

Good luck everyone 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...

🔥UPDATE 2021.337.40739

Hello friends ! 🙂

We have completed an update in which have added and improved a lot.
And so what has changed:

New functionality:

✅ Browser core is updated up to Chrome v96
✅ We made synchronization of authorization of extensions when opening the browser on different devices.
Now extensions metamask, etc. will save authorization.
(Important! It works only for new profiles, the solution for older profiles will be added in the next update)
✅ ColorDepth / pixelDepth substitution added
Improved cookies synchronization, exactly session cookies being saved -
sites that will be logged out on browser restart will stay logged in. (Paypal, outlook, crypto exchanges)
✅ Added battery information spoofing.


- Improved import of some cookies from file for which there was a problem with authorization
- Improved cookies export functionality
- Fixed an issue with opening browsers in high resolution on Linux
- Fixed an issue with being asked to refresh when importing accounts in bulk
- Work of some proxies stabilized
- Fixed an issue with not working webcam on Mac OS
- Fixed a layout issue with line break on long profile names
- Improved Canvas noise
- Improved WebGL noise
- Fixed an issue with enabled scaling the screen on Windows devices.
Now when transferring browser from one device to another, the screen resolution will remain unchanged.
- Improved languages spoofing
- Improved Client-Hints spoofing

Support: t.me/dolphin_support_bot

Love, Dolphin team!

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❗There was a global connection error with the domain zones ru.com. ❗


Our sites are registered just in this domain zone, so they are not available now.

We are currently unable to connect to the dolphin.ru.com and anty.dolphin.ru.com domains.

The problem is not on our side, so we cannot say for sure how long it will take to fix it.

We have created mirrors of our sites at the following links:


✅ Dolphin{anty} anti-detect browser: anty-site.anty-api.com

✅ Personal office of automation Dolphin FB: dolphin-panel.anty-api.com

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Hi Hi! 
We have good news - we made a big update and added a lot of useful functionality.


UPDATE 2021.350.1

✅ Transfering profiles to another user.
Previously, we had the functionality of providing access to profiles to other team members. Now you can completely transfer the profile to another user. Thus the creator of the profile will lose access to it. You can transfer profiles both within one team and to the user from another team by mail. This function is available only for users on a paid plan and not available on a trial version and a Free tariff.

✅ Adding browser extensions through the archive.
Now you can add extensions via links from the Chrome store and by downloading your extension directly. All users of the Scenum service requested this feature, and we did it!

✅ Adding quick custom statuses directly from the list of browser profiles.
Sometimes you need to add some unique status to the browser profile, which does not fit the typical situations and previously saved statuses on the settings. Now you can add any status to a profile in one click, and this status will remain only on this profile; it will not apply to other profiles.

✅ Paste as human \ Smart Paste functionality.*
Many users asked to make the copy-paste process similar to data entering from the keyboard since some websites highly dislike copy-pasting actions. So we made this functionality in an incredibly innovative way. Of course, we will not tell you the secret, but we can assure you that this option is implemented better than competitors did.*

The functionality works through the hotkeys cmd+shift +b on macOS and ctrl+ shift+b on Windows or through the context menu.

✅ Substitutions of WebGL Info Vender & Render can now be selected independently from the drop-down list.

✅ Pin to top - Pinning profiles.
Many people use the function of pinning chats on Telegram. By doing so, important contacts and chats are always shown at the top of the list. We have applied similar logic to browser profiles. Pin up important accounts and they will always be available in one click. You can pin up to 10 profiles.

✅ Recycle Bin of deleted profiles.
Oh, how often we receive messages like: “I lost my profiles, I didn’t delete them, help me.”
This happens when a user deletes many profiles and accidentally deletes the necessary ones. Or when your teammate accidentally deleted not his profiles and didn't admit it.
And it also happens that an offended farmer cleans all his profiles before leaving.

To eliminate this problem, we have added the Basket of deleted profiles.

There is a small *“Recycle Bin” button at the lower right corner *- all deleted profiles will fall into this Bin and will be stored for 48 hours. This time is just enough to find out that the necessary profiles are gone and get them out of there. After 48 hours, the profiles will be permanently deleted. You cannot forcibly delete profiles from there, so an offended Farmer will not be able to offend you in return.

✅ Scroll by quick tags
If you have a large number of tags, then they no longer fit in line with the tags at the top. Now you can hover the cursor over this line and scroll the mouse wheel; the tags will be scrolled left and right.

✅ Completely new extension for transferring accounts to Dolphin Facebook automation tool.
There are a lot of innovations here; perhaps we'd publish a separate news release for this. But, for now, just try it and have fun

✅ CRYPTO profiles type - For those who work with cryptocurrency projects we added a new CRYPTO profile type

Bug fixes

✅ Fixed search by bookmarks
✅ Fixed a problem with not launching profiles for some users
✅ Optimized the speed of launching profiles.

Support: t.me/dolphin_support_bot

Love,Dolphin team!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

👋 Hello, friends!

🔥We are glad to inform you of the news that will make your day better and your work much easier!

The fact is that we have the automation of sending Google forms ready!
And this means that using the service will become even more convenient. 
We know how tiring it is to fill out a form in Google-Ads to unban an account.
Dolphin{anti} will do it for you (fill in the fields and send the account to the unban) in 10 seconds!

We are waiting for the release of the innovation next week, but in the meantime, 
you can get acquainted with it and watch the attached video.

🥳What do you think about the update?


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⚡️ UPDATE 2022.35.2

Release of new functionality:

Automatic request to unlock Google accounts and Cookies robot 🆒

Big update with lots of cool changes!

disclaimer:Been working all month on the new update system and a bunch of new features.
This update has not set much functionality yet, but it is very expected and necessary. So, for today we have:

✅ Automatic appeal to unlock Google accounts, which we announced in this post.
This feature is only available for Google-type profiles, there is an "automation" field in the drop-down list
on each profile - a couple of clicks and a robot will fill out the form itself, which used to take a lot of time.

✅ Cookie robot
Cookie robot function was asked us for a long time and we finally made it.
So far the functionality is very basic, no innovations, but there are a couple of features:
- The robot can be run with a function without downloading images, in order to save proxy traffic
- You can run the robot in headless mode, in this case the browser window will not open in normal mode, but the robot will work as needed and all the cookies will be in place.

✅ In the Proxies section, we added a column "profiles" which displays the number of profiles to which each proxy is assigned.
When you click on this number, you will be redirected to the list of browser profiles with filtered profiles for this proxy.

✅ Added a "proxy" filter in the Browser Profiles section - now it is very easy to find all the profiles that are assigned to an expired proxy, and reassign a new proxy to them.

Selecting saved proxies from the list now shows additional parameters: proxy status, country, name, and number of profiles which this proxy is assigned to.


- Fixed mechanics of removal of admins from team
- Fixed bug in transfer of profiles created via mass import
- If you do not have a manifest.json file when loading an extension, you will get a clear warning
- Fixed adding proxies if domain is specified instead of ip address
- Fast tag line was optimized
- Optimized cookies import window, now with large cookies UI does not freeze and everything is processed fast
- Optimized substitution in speechVoices
- Fixed an issue with some proxies not working correctly
- Improved profile transfer process, now profiles are not lost.

❗️Download and install the new update from these links:
MacOS / MacOS M1
After installation, the system will prompt you to upgrade to version 2022.7.10. You should reject this upgrade.
It appears because this release 2022.35.2 is in test mode.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings, friends!
We have great news for you! 🙂

We are glad to announce that Dolphin and Dolphin{anty} now accept USDT cryptocurrencies in TRC20 and Capitalist format! ⚡
From now on, you can pay for your favorite services in a convenient format.

To make a payment, you need to contact our support and send the payment manually.

Love, Dolphin team ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...

⚡️ UPDATE 2022.80.1

We've made a small update:

✅ On Friday, the browser core was updated to version 99.
✅ Expanded the list of WebGL substitutions. ❗️42 new items❗

If the update did not load automatically, then you need to download the version from the site by yourself: anty.dolphin.ru.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! 😉

We want to tell you about our affiliate program.

We are very pleased that you like the product and recommend it to your friends. Therefore, we will be glad to become partners!
In Dolphin{anty}, the referral receives 15% of the payments of the users brought by him (15% of the first payment and all subsequent ones)

✅ The referral link can be found in your personal account in the affiliate program column (in the same column you can track statistics on referrals and the total balance).
And to withdraw referral charges, you need to contact support, but we are working to ensure that you can withdraw funds directly from your personal account. 

Click here and go to the Affiliate Program

Who can become our partner?
Any of you, affiliate program is freely available to every user! 
It's so nice to advise what you love and get bonuses for it! 

We are glad to be partners ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, 
we need your help here, and we're going to thank you!
Everyone who works with ads, guys, we need you!

❓What we want: to get your general impression of Dolphin{anty} and understand what functionality you need.
❓What to do: Just fill in the Google form

❓What you get: 3 days of free access for completing the form.

If you want 7 days of free access:

❓What you have to do: go to Google-calendar and pick a convenient date to call our product manager.
The interview will take no more than 30 minutes.


P.S. Please! Don't book an interview if you're not sure you'll come!

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  • 2 weeks later...

In this update:

✅  Fix of launching the program
✅  Fix of launching profiles
✅  Fix of synchronization
✅  Fix of working with cookies
✅  White screen fix
✅  Fix of connection issues

❗️The update will come to you automatically. 
If there are problems with the automatic update, 
please download the latest version from anty.dolphin.ru.com

⚡️Support: t.me/dolphin_support_bot

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Hi, Alex on the line!
I'm Dolphin{anty} product manager 

I'm gonna answer one of the most popular questions today: Who needs Dolphin{anty}?

In our team, we believe that everyone needs Dolphin{anty} nowadays.
But today let's discuss features for people who are doing betting

⚡️How does Dolphin{anty} help in this work?

✅ Bypassing betting scanners
Reliable protection from identifying you and device

✅ Compatible with any proxy
Impersonate any user of the necessary geo

✅ More than 20 customizable fingerprint settings
Including WebRTC, Canvas, WebGL, Client Rects,
browser, time zone, language, GEO, CPU type, memory etc.

✅ Millions of real user prints
The ability to customize fingerprint settings by yourself

✅ Comfortable working solo or in a team
Tools to analyze each participant's productivity

✅ Automate your work
Customize statuses, tags, bookmarks, and quick search pages

Any doubt?
We have free access to 1000 profiles for 4 days.
Try — anty.dolphin.ru.com careful it's addictive 😎

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⚡️ Incredible promotion by Dolphin{anty}
Switch from your old anti-detect browser to Dolphin{anty}

❗️We’ll compensate your remaining days on the old anti-detect browser,
plus grant  up to 2 months of free access to Dolphin{anty}

✅ Full terms and conditions of the promo here — usnd.to/Co1n
✅ To participate in the promotion write "move" here — @dolphin_support_bot

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, this is Alex, Dolphin{anty} product-manager✌️

I often get great feedback on our anti-detects features from guys who have been working with crypto for a long time.
Today I'm going to talk about some functionality that helps improve results in crypto

✅ Compatible with any proxy SSH, SOCKS, and HTTP
With dynamic proxies, you can update IP directly from the anti-detect interface

✅ Randomization of fingerprints while copy profiles
The system will automatically select the best fingerprint for the device

✅ Mass export and import of cookies in browser profiles

✅ Imitation of manual data entry. Anti-fraud systems won't see you copying logins and passwords.
The functionality works via the cmd+shift+b hotkeys on macOS and ctrl+shift+b on Windows or via the context menu

✅ Available API even on the free plan

✅ Regular updates, improvements, and support

Now you can move to Dolphin{anty} from your old anti-detect and get up to 2 months of free access.
❗️Terms here — usnd.to/Co1n❗


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Friends, the promotion of unprecedented generosity is about to end!
There's less than a week left until the promotion is inactive!

Right now you can switch from your humble anti-detect browser to Dolphin{anty}, 
one of the most functional and popular among users!

⚡️ We’ll compensate your remaining days on the old anti-detect browser, 
plus grant  up to 2 months of free access to Dolphin{anty

Full terms and conditions here https://bit.ly/3tuTw0N

To participate in the promotion write “move” here https://bit.ly/3t5mvbe

✅ We're trusted by over 120.000 users!
😉 Be with us!

IMAGE 2022-06-16 12:55:24.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow! ⚡⚡⚡

Have you ever had your head explode from coolness? Now it will be again!
Our good friend AdsStudy Channel made a Pixel voice assistant to control the Dolphin{anty} browser

Best of all, this assistant can bulk create profiles with automatic import of cookies and data from account storage files.
You say one phrase and BOOM - you have created 50 profiles with imported cookies, and all logins and passwords are in your notes!👌

Looks amazing, watch the timing 3:01❗

The full video can be viewed at this link, we haven't seen anything like it yet.
Be sure to subscribe to the channel 😉

P.s. So far it is only available in Russian


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  • 3 weeks later...

We bring you amazing news!

Dolphin{anty} now has an RPA constructor! 
It sounds scary, but actually this feature will significantly reduce the routine and free up a lot of time for you. 

What it is?

✅ This is a browser automation constructor where you can set a specific script and it will be executed in browser profiles without your participation. 
Account registration, auto farming, bounty hunting - all this and much more can now be done automatically.
⚡️ Set the script, make some tea and go chill. Dolphin{anty} will do everything for you.

😉 Please note that the constructor is still in beta version. We will be glad to hear any of your feedback or wishes about RPA.


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  • Dolphin Anty changed the title to ✅ Dolphin{anty} - a modern antidetect browser! -❗️10 free profiles for everyone❗️

⚡️ News of the week 15.08/21.08


✅ Updated Chrome to version 104
✅ Added new parsing patterns to parser.dolphin.ru.com


✅ Fixed a problem with the purchase / renewal of a license, when there was not enough money when paying with crypto.
Now, in case of a small lack of money, the number of days will be recalculated in proportion to the missing funds, but the license will be purchased/renewed.

✅ Fixed authorization error on the site and in Antique.
Now, instead of an incomprehensible error, the system accurately points to an incorrect login / password pairing if an error was made when entering.

✅ Fixed one of the reasons for profiles not launching related to incorrect unpacking of the browser core after downloading
✅ Fixed bug with appearance of phantom login/password fields for profiles that do not have a main website defined
✅ Improved availability of the proxy utility for download. Fixes some cases of profiles not running
✅ Fixed incorrect generation of fingerprints when adding a profile via parser.dolphin.ru.com
✅ Fixed a bug with launching automation scripts
✅ Fixed issue with geolocation emulation
✅ Fixed profile transfer bug
✅ Improved quality of work with Ebay

❗️All the mentioned innovations/corrections have ALREADY been delivered to you. No manual update is required.
❗️The current software version is 2022.117.1

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